The call Of the Red Bears

Caledonian Red Bears Triptych - Allan Renshaw.JPG

Ancestral figures came in a dream, and then on waking, in a dynamic stream of consciousness. They asked for a message to be sent to the human community and an image story to be made of their ritual ceremonial dance. a dance of transformation. They called themselves ‘red bears’.         


this is their message:

We are ancestral Red Bears
We have crossed the primordial divide
The threshold of the afterworld
We have come to gain a certain proximity to living humans
This has been an arduous journey for us

We come in ritual ceremonial dance
To dance the act of transformation
To bring about your reconciliation with nature
To save your souls
And all the souls of the earthworld 

Ah… we hear some of you humans laugh

Don't laugh humans
Please don't be cynical

We know you well
Your behaviour towards us
Your utter disregard for us

You think it's correct

To research us
To categorise us
To treat us as a specimen

You think it is correct

To humiliate us
To torture us
To exterminate us

Don't get us angry

Think again humans

We may be vanished from this land
We may be invisible
Shadow Bears
But we are very present

We are your primal intelligence
We took both human and bear form
We are your progenitors
You come from us
You are our direct descendants

You have forgotten so much

Ah…. you laugh again

But we can already see that some of you are giving this some uncomfortable credence

We have come to tell you what all this means

When you crossed over
To the other side
Stepped out of nature
Leaving your aboriginal mind behind
Decided you were above all that
You made a grave transaction
You made an ‘us and them’ psyche
This has finally brought you to an existential crisis 

Ah…. we hear you
Why am I listening to stupid bears?..

We understand
After all
Look at how powerful you humans are
And what intelligence you have
Look at what you can do

We do see that humans
Nature is a highly intelligent, multi-faceted being. 

Just because you use her intelligence and resources
Doesn't make you more intelligent
Separate and better than other nature

Don't let us get distracted
We have something important to say

It's a very tricky situation
There is no easy way forward

You have done great damage to us
Great damage to the rest of the natural world
Caused untold suffering and devastation

To yourselves
To different peoples across the world
To all other species
To the Earth Land herself

You have domesticated & industrialised nature
Beyond any reasonable measure

You have performed this great domestication and industrialisation upon yourselves
This has sown great discord in your souls
In the soul of all your communities
Your world community is riven with divisive violent conflict
And terrible fragmentation

Your rejection of nature caused a great schism in the development of your modern psyche
You created an individualised psyche divided from nature
A profound dualism
Nature became a threat to be controlled

You compounded this discord by casting the feminine as a negative agency of nature
Females give birth to your young
An undeniable act of nature
Suppression of nature became the suppression of the female
A projection with a full suite of powerfully dark forces

You conjoined your rejection of nature with a forced psychic subjugation of the feminine
This was a grave developmental error in the history of humans

This has lead to men assuming false rights over women and girls with far-reaching and damaging consequences for females and all humans
And a huge history of violence, control and with-holding
Mysogyny became endemic and systemic
A divisive disorder of the human psyche to this day
A disorder that continues to undermine all aspects of human life
The essential psychic balance of feminine and masculine was lost
Women all over the world are battling for their rights to this day

This compounded the establishment of your dualistic minds
Embedding divisive forces in human psychic development

This dynamic dualistic psychic schism became malignant
A projection of the masculine as superior to the feminine
Allowing a certain aggressive, hierarchical mind to dominate
A type associated with men and cleaved to the unbalanced masculine
An unhealthy masculinised psyche became the norm
This type has dominated your developmental history

Your divisive, mental imbalance has lead to intolerance and fear of difference
And to aggressive exploitation of other
The foundation of your immoral acts of colonisation
The abuse of other people and their earthland
This has lead to your hierarchy of races
An abhorrent misuse of psychic and societal power
Acts of the most appalling atrocities of genocide and slavery
And continuing living trauma for multitudes of humans

The colour of people’s skin and their ethnicity is used as a political tool of control and oppression
In the blind pursuit of wealth and power
But ultimately caused by a devastating fault-line in modern human development that no-one can own up to
This continues all over the world today

Your aboriginal and indigenous humans are being vilified and robbed
They are still being murdered and their lands stolen
Their earthland destroyed
These peoples are a vital resource
Dynamic custodians of the earthland
Much more important than all your oil, gold and your money
They hold true knowledge of the connective world of nature
And can provide powerful pathways to healing for the future

In the same vein you have totally lost reverence for your elders
Cutting yourselves off from a reservoir of wisdom

You show hatred and cruelty to people’s differing sexual orientation and gender identity
This continues to damage and destroy people’s lives across the world
Another source of wisdom lost to most modern humans

This is your stark template for human relations

You spend vast resources and wealth on weapons
Inflicting terrible material and bodily harm
Deadly harm

You have enough weapons to destroy the whole of the human community
To destroy the whole of nature

These are the fundamental drivers of what you call 'civilisation'
A civilisation without the ‘connective’ intelligence of nature
A civilisation without the essential and vital balance of feminine and masculine
This has resulted in a model of colonization and capitalization of the world
For all the worlds peoples and earthland herself

A process that enables wealth for the few
And deprivation and poverty for the many
A process that is now global and out of anyone's control
It has its own momentum
It's now at a tipping point

You are at a precipice, a vital moment
About to devour the world
About to devour yourselves

I know, I know, 'Here we go again', you say
You've heard it all before
You bears are 'doom-mongers'

Forgive us, humans
You are a very peculiar creature in your modern form
We are trying to be straight with you 

We know that to face up to all of this is extremely difficult for you
Because first of all you have to admit to a terrible fundamental mistake
In the direction of your development as a species

Ah, of course. You do not want to hear all of this

But we have come to offer a way forward
To show you how your mind should really work
We are offering you an opportunity
To take an alternative developmental journey

First of all, you must go back
To the memory of the first days.
You must inhabit your ancient original selves
Your aboriginal selves

To the time when your souls were born 
When your primal intelligence took both bear and human form
When great respect passed between humans and bears
Between all of nature

A material psychic change in understanding yourselves is needed
In understanding yourselves as animal

This is a vital step
Yet, so unimaginable for you humans
To accept yourself in the same category as bears

Ah…. we can read your mind 'This is all so unscientific' 

Nevertheless, you must receive us and other nature back as your kin
You must honour us
And show us the reverence we are due
Make a deep, visceral identification with us
And all the nature around you
The nature wherever and however it appears to you in your life

A deep identification and respect for nature begins to balance your psyche
This opens the way to rebalance the feminine and masculine
This must be a conscious educational act
This begins the process of reattunement within nature
Within nature’s immense connective intercommunication
And a reorientation of your societal functioning

We know that this is a difficult start
And it is only a beginning

You must then begin the process of making reparation
This will be a considerable process
Considering the damage you have done

Ah… 'Utter nonsense' - we hear you saying

Well, we can see this is extremely uncomfortable for you
Your rational, scientific and religious thinking
These are considerable barriers to all of what we say
We can only give you the benefit of our vantage point 

We know your over-rational dualistic thinking clouds your view
We know this is extremely difficult
You are convinced of your superiority
And you’re frightened to think anything else
Your separation from nature is a fact of life to you

Actually this is all very urgent 
It demands radical action
A radical action from your heart as well as your mind

This is a daunting step
But you are the Earth's great influencers
You must now redefine your relationship to her

Balancing your human psyche is your entry point
Take up your true responsibility
Your responsibility to be in a state of attunement with nature
Learning to make identifications with other nature as your teachers
Become yourself a conscious manifestation of Earth

Take up reciprocal relationships across nature
With all beings you encounter
Become agents of restoration
Make preparations for a full process of reconciliation
Begin to heal your divided psyche

We see that some of you agree with us
Particularly you young ones
You have heeded the calls for change in your relationship to this Earth
You are fighting for a new Earth era 

It is vital to the success of this project
To the Earth's rejuvenation
That you all fully understand what you must do

Only a deep identification with nature will do
A true recognition that you are part of nature
An integral connective part of nature

You must undertake a psychological and somatic identification
A truly visceral experience
That changes the material fabric of your psyche
A rebalancing of your mind
To take upon yourself a new Earth identity

This begins with a simple identification with an aspect of nature in your local world
A part of nature you are drawn to
A part of nature you can trust to be your teacher

This begins the process of psychic transmutation
Of your transformation

The developing process of reverence
Seeing the whole of nature as sacred
Seeing yourself as sacred

A process of true interconnectivity and interdependence within nature
The process of re-becoming animal
The process of healing the catastrophic dualism of the human mind

Healing your split from nature
Healing your separation of the feminine and masculine within yourselves
Recognising that feminine and masculine are equally part of the spectrum of nature
That feminine and masculine are in fact both agencies of nature
That without balance and reverence for the feminine
The masculine will eventually self-destruct
The evidence is before you

You must move out of the interior, self-absorbed mind
Into the Outerior mind
The greater, connective psyche of nature
The mind of nature

Into a connective relationship with the feminine and masculine within yourself
Into connective relationships with other species and elemental forces
Performing rituals of identification without dogma
Walking in nature with reciprocal sentience.
Honouring your place in the multifaceted relationships across nature

This is the beginning place
For individual action
For collective, societal and political action

You must start from within the embrace of your personal relationships with other nature
This brings about a change in ecological consciousness
Your eyes open to the totemic panorama before you

Your actions become connective
Facilitating a natural state of reverence
Reverence that helps transcend division
Helping to balance yourself in proportional relationships
Moving from exploitative to reciprocal
A foundational change in psychic responsibility to other 

So here we are

We ask you to think and do the 'unimaginable'

But if you are able to take these brave but very necessary steps
Of redefining the evolution of humans
Then the whole of nature will be with you
Will rejuvenate with you

This is indeed a great opportunity
But also a grave responsibility
Not only to yourself and the people and nature of the world
But also for future generations

If you heed this call, we will be with you as will all of nature

If our call goes unnoticed, we cannot help you

We have taken the great risk of crossing the primordial divide
To Stand With You
We are Red Bears.

Spring 2020. 
Eastern Borderlands, Scotland.